The Poetry of 2018
In 2018 I wrote only 2 poems. (that I can find, anyway. Seems like I should have written more, somehow.)
Didn't even write a Birthday Poem on the year I turned 65.
"Poem for the New Year 2018"
Poetry by Michael F. Nyiri
01-09-2018 12:30p.m. pst
I don't have many conversations that mean anything anymore
Discussions with workmates, cashiers and
People I meet on the Peninsula
when I'm out taking photos.
The only "friends" are on "lists" on social media
I can't remember the last time I felt love
Did I ever?
I was the guy who didn't like to be touched
And now decades later it doesn't look like I ever will be
I was the guy who wanted to converse with humanity
But found that humanity speaks a different language
for the most part.
Each annum I write
Because I never wanted to be wrong
And so I keep singing the same ol' song
On the internet my "friends" probably think I'm
a fun loving old dude with an infectious smile
"I'll bet you're fun to be around"
A comment I've read often
And then I shut down the computer
And look around lonliness
As it has been
And will most probably be
Till death sweeps me under the rug
I'm not losing my mind
I'm not in fear for my health
I'm still creative, and verbose, and
still have that infectious smile
But I'm still the solitary man
That's what I've been
That's who I am
Another year,
No excuses.
I wrote poems to the girl in dreams
But she was never whom I thought, it seems
Another sad song
I'm never right, the writing's wrong
And I don't really know from one word what the next will be
I'll spread optimism on my sandwich of life
I'll eat voraciously and smile the infectious smile
Even though I doubt if anyone smiles back
Even though my appetite grows weaker
I'll still breathe positive
And remain a seeker.
Poetry by Michael F. Nyiri
03-20-18 6:45 a.m. pdt
I've been born again so often
So many times, so many rhymes
The years' recollections soften
Feeling sublime, yet another time
I was last bornagain at 50
So this Spring I awake to my 15th year
The calendar might mark 5 and 60
But I jump into Spring renewed with no fear
Still a teenager in my mind
Able with bright blue eyes to see
Forever looking for new adventures to find
Able, filled full and forever free
I won't waste away as age claims me
Though wrinkles are valleys of memory
New leaves curl, and new blossoms are we
I still climb the mountains of purpose you see
Each turn of the earth is climactic
Each sunset a beacon, each day a new season
A universe in a drop of water, never static
The meaning of life is enough of a reason
I'll continue again to be born anew
To jump off the Springboard into life
My purposes many, and never too few
The Universe my bride, Mother Nature my wife