Fifty years of verse. Chronologically arranged. Read me like a book.
The 1999 Introduction to the ElectricPoetry Website
The Poetry of Michael F. Nyiri
Fifty years of verse. Chronologically arranged. Read me like a book.
For several years, beginning in 1967, I have written reams of verse, then tucked them all away in volumes which had only been read by a select few. In May of 1999, on my 46th birthday, I began a Poetry section on my webpage, AllThingsMike, to eventually collect and display all my poetry in chronological order. The Poetry section evolved into the original ElectricPoetry website on Homestead in 2000. In January of 2004, I published the edition of this website which was hosted by for the past decade, a more ambitious undertaking that truly attempted to chart "a life in verse" as was my intention in the beginning.
From 2004-2013 I could rely on my blogging host,, to supply the "place" on the internet where I collected my poetry. My poetry is extensively tagged and indexed on my Xanga blog WhenWordsCollide.
The edition you're reading is a beta site created online during the weekend of July 19-21, 2013, on to familiarize myself with the HTML5 editor.
Poetry is the lifeblood of my humanity, words which pour from me like the water of life. By hereby posting this tome on the internet, I copyright all words.Poems presented here are available for posting on other websites and blogs, as long as I am credited as the author, and a link provided back to this site on the page.
The collection now spans some forty years, and is listed chronologically with each decade divided into years, and each year's worth of poetry listed by Title and Date, which is a link if the poem is online. New transcriptions are stamped with their posting date. Someday, I hope to have series and cross referencing available. Some of this exists throughout the site.
All current efforts, which are written on a computer keyboard these days, are being posted, and there are links to the many introductions I have written for the several "volumes" of my verse on paper. The archives are growing as time allows. If there is an interest, I hope eventually to offer my poetry books for sale over the internet.
For now, anyway, whilst the site still stands, and for as long as I can maintain the payments to keep it there,, I hereby dedicate this website to artistic expression, and the broad canvas of webcreativity.
A moment is a lifetime filled with wonder and passion
A lifetime is a moment in existence
We are all one, and one of the things which keep us sane is our ability to love.
I love you all, and my heart beats a ringing song.
I reach out to touch humanity, and bask in the heavenly glow of humanity's face.
Thanks for listening.
Michael F. Nyiri , poet 1999 (rev. 11/27/08, 01/31/10)
The 1972 Introduction to The Poetry of Michael F. Nyiri
Poetry, A Loosely Constructed Essay
Written by MIchael F. Nyiri at 19 years of age in 1972.
When two people meet, they notice only that outer covering called the "skin" and only a "pinch" of personality. They fail to realize that the one standing across from them is not a walking doll, but a human being with fears, hopes, achievements, and failures, a paradox on two legs, a ,map of life. We so seldom think of others, we say we do, but we feel sorry for ourselves even more so. The casual passerby who asks for the time is as much a person as we are, yet we fail to realize this. He has porobably fallen in and out of love, witnessed tragedy, and pulled through an accident barely alive also.
The poet accomplishes two things in this world of people. He writes about himself and others. Writing about life is difficult, but it forces others to realize people are "here', they are living, they are alive.
No poet is perfect. They all try very hard, though. A poem is a thought or an emotion, expressed through the eyes of the poet. Some poems are written in a month, a year, others in a moment. Poems diagram a small bit of life. Each poem is a heartbeat on an oscilliscope. Each poem is a small part of a great whole.
The poet can only be biased. He can't help it. Even though he may try, he only "knows" himself. He only tries to write about others, and the poem only proclaims what he thought at the time he wrote it.
This collection spans a few years. When the poet is extremely young, he hardly knows his own feelings. The poems are merely versed stories, most with no content other than entertainment.
The poems grow in insight with time. Some are bad only because they are not understood. No poem is really good if it tries to imitate a moment in life. The poet is extremely fortunate if people understand what he feebly attempts to say.
A poem may or may not rhyme, it may or may not have punctuation, or strict meters. What it does have is one feeling or thought, one bit of mind of the poet.
A poem is only a group of words. They may be constructed in any number of ways, but they only try ot convey, to communicate with others one facet of life.
Whether they succeed is up to life itself.
MFN 1972